- Radio interview (minute 60:03) for Radio Farró on the role of Geobotany in the XXIth century.
- Radio interview (minute 27:55) for Radio Aragón about our study in the New Phytologist (in Spanish)
- Interview at "Diari Ara" about our study in the New Phytologist (in Catalan):
Les roses s'imposen a les orquídies als boscos europeus
- Interview at "Diari de la marmota" about alpine flora in the Pyrenees (in Catalan):
Moltes plantes van trobar refugi en els Pirineus per la seva estabilitat climàtica
- Press release in "El Periódico" of our article "Socioeconomics explain tree diversity, abundance and composition in the compact city of Barcelona, Spain" in the Landscape & Urban Planning (in Spanish):
Los barrios de Barcelona con mayor diversidad y abundancia de árboles tienen mayor esperanza de vida
- Video from the TV show "Va de Verd" (RTVE; Spanish Public TV) talking about how to earn a living researching plants (in Catalan).
Video from the "II Jornada Botànica de la Cerdanya", November 2022 (in Catalan).
Title: La diversitat filogenètica de la flora alpina dels Pirineus en el context europeu