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- Radio interview (minute 60:03) for Radio Farró on the role of Geobotany in the XXIth century.




- Radio interview (minute 27:55) for Radio Aragón about our study in the New Phytologist (in Spanish)




- Interview at "Diari Ara" about our study in the New Phytologist (in Catalan):


Les roses s'imposen a les orquídies als boscos europeus




- Interview at "Diari de la marmota" about alpine flora in the Pyrenees (in Catalan):


Moltes plantes van trobar refugi en els Pirineus per la seva estabilitat climàtica




- Press release in "El Periódico" of our article "Socioeconomics explain tree diversity, abundance and composition in the compact city of Barcelona, Spain" in the Landscape & Urban Planning (in Spanish):


Los barrios de Barcelona con mayor diversidad y abundancia de árboles tienen mayor esperanza de vida




- Video from the TV show "Va de Verd" (RTVE; Spanish Public TV) talking about how to earn a living researching plants (in Catalan).


Link to the video




Video from the "II Jornada Botànica de la Cerdanya", November 2022 (in Catalan).

Title: La diversitat filogenètica de la flora alpina dels Pirineus en el context europeu





Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology (BABVE)

Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)

Building C, Bellaterra Campus (UAB)

08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

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